"Green Acres" meets "Weeds" as a hip, upper-middle-class professional family with two straight-edge, technology-loving teens embarks on a life-changing and controversial adventure and leaves their swanky Florida lifestyle behind to grow pot on a medical marijuana farm in the fertile Woods of Maine.

It gets crazier when the couple's rebellious weed-loving daughter, her sarcastic blunt-rolling fiance and their 1 year old baby tag along.

The family that farms together, stays together? Maybe not.

But, in a complex family with diverse personalities, love, laughter and an abiding family bond can
mend a lot of broken fences.

September 25, 2011

Hemp Seed Oil Is The New Superfood

Today, I received an intelligent and informative letter from Brad, the CHO (Chief Hemp Officer) at Hippie Butter, a fantastic company that sells high quality hemp products.  I wanted to share the information on the many (unknown!) healthful benefits of hemp oil, so will post the letter for all to read:

Hi Roxie,
Hemp seeds are an excellent source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese. Hemp is gluten free and will not trigger celiac disease. Hemp foods are high in omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids which make them beneficial to cardiovascular health and reducing blood cholesterol levels and decreasing the cellular explosion associated with atherosclerosis.

Hemp seed oil is 35% of the total seed weight, has the lowest amount of saturated fatty acids at 8%, and the highest amount of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids at 80%.
There are two types of acid that are essential for the human body that can only be obtained through diet, Linoleic acid (LA) and linolenic acid (LNA). Both are called essential fatty acids (EFA). LA and LNA are the most important fatty acids for people. Essential Fatty acids are involved in producing energy from food and the movement of that energy throughout the body. EFAs are important for growth, vitality and state of mind. Hemp seed oil has both of these essential fatty acids and is easy to digest with a great taste.

Fat is the second most abundant substance in the human body. Hemp seed oil is 55% LA and 25% LNA, making it the best seed oil for optimal health and prevention of fatty degeneration. As compared with most nuts and seeds, the fat content of shelled hemp seed is relatively low, and seed food products have a low cholesterol content in effect reducing cholesterol levels. Hemp seed oil has on average the highest mono and polyunsaturated fat content of all oils, The ratio of the two EFAs is 3.38, closely approximating the 4.0 average ratio recommended by the World Health Organization.

Besides providing a person’s EFAs and having a favorable unsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio, hemp seed is an excellent food source of easily digestible, gluten-free protein. Hemp seeds are 36% protein content is comparable to soy beans but hemp seeds are 65% edestin making it easier to digest and better than that found in nuts, other seeds, dairy products, meat, fish, or poultry.

Hemp seeds contain all 20 known amino acids, 8 that are essential our bodies need and 2 semi essential that our bodies can’t produce and must acquire through diet. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all 10 essential amino acids in sufficient quantities and ratio to meet our body’s needs. No other single food source has these amino acids in a digestible form or has the EFA in perfect ratio to meet our body’s needs.

Hemp provides Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is a distinctive and exceedingly important Omega-6 in the family of Essential Fatty Acids. It's known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, hormone production and balance, weight loss, improved joint function, healthy blood pressure, reducing menstrual cramps, also maintenance of hair, skin and nails.

Considering that almost all of Americans are deficient in Essential Fatty Acids. Hemp is a good source of EFAs and plays a critical role for men and women planning to have a baby and the baby, a good source of EFAs is very important. Fortunately hemp seed oil has naturally accruing EFAs of omega-6 and omega-3 that the body requires. By Ingesting two tablespoons of hemp oil daily is a great way for men and women to get the proper EFAs for preconception nutrition and is just good for health in general.

Hemp seeds have a wonderful "nutty" flavor similar to sunflower seeds or walnuts. Hemp seed oil is "emerald green" in color, with a very light, nutty flavor. Hemp seed oil can be used in all your favorite dishes that don't call for high heat.

Buy Hemp Seed Oil now
Hope you have a great day.
CHO - Chief Hemp Officer

September 22, 2011

Just signed the Whitehouse.gov Official Marijuana Petition!

Medical Marijuana
To add your name to the signatures, you'll have to create an account at whitehouse.gov.  All they require is your first & last name, email address, and zip code.  Finally, you have to confirm your account by a link sent to your email.

(Yeah, I can hear that squeaky paranoia twitching in your brain...) 

But, it was fairly painless and well worth it to add your validated voice to this very important societal, economic, and civil liberties issue!

Sign today! http://wh.gov/gDQ

Sign the Official Whitehouse Marijuana Petition

Today, the Whitehouse launched a new petition service called We The People.  Its aim is to examine the key issues important to Americans, look at the most compelling issues, and issue an official response on those petitions that receive over 5000 signatures within 30 days.

Today, I attempted to go take a look at the Marijuana petition, which we've heard calls for the decriminalization of marijuana and/or a re-classification of its status to render it on par with alcohol.

When I clicked through to the site, I waited for about two minutes before finally downloading a "Sorry, Undergoing Site Maintenance" page.  An information page tells site visitors to send your questions and feedback via Twitter using the hashtag #WHWeb . 

I plan to wait a bit and try again, as well as share the link to the Official Whitehouse Marijuana Petition with all our readers, viewers, followers and friends. 

While I wait, I want to share with you why adding your name to the petition is so very important.

I do not expect this petition to create a policy change, per se, but hope that it will at least force the Administration to examine the issue of the outrageous prohibition of Cannabis and to issue its official statement on the matter.  Given Obama's lack of follow-through and commitment to his earlier statements on the failed "War On Drugs" as it relates to Cannabis, I am among the millions of voters who require some clarification on the Administration's opinion and intentions.

We are a morally sound, well-educated, socially responsible family trying to run a farm.  That our farm cultivates legal medical marijuana should be cause for praise and celebration as we contribute a quality, affordable and useful product to a local market using local resources in a responsible, sustainable manner.  Instead, we are caste as pariahs of society, vulnerable to incarceration at the hands of the Feds.  We are well-aware of the risks, yet choose to farm in support of a sane and humane future for our country. 

We straddle a wonky legal line where what we do is sanctioned and supported by our home state of Maine, yet is illegal and subjects us to prosecution by the Federal Government.  We farm in a loud and proud, yet intelligent way with a goal to eradicate the stereotypes placed on the marijuana culture and to legitimize its use for personal, philosophical and medical reasons.

If we are raided, arrested, and prosecuted for operating our farm, people will see the persecution of a nice middle-class family with a wonderful children, not unlike their own friends, family, and neighbors.  Our goal is to eradicate this threat, enlighten our viewers, and encourage our children, and everyone, to question authority -- because we love our country, believe in its founding principals and feel that in a Democracy, it is the responsibility of every citizen to challenge faulty law and policy that is bad for our fellow citizens and denigrates our American sensibilities.

So, I will wait.  The Official Whitehouse Marijuana Petition site will hopefully come back online and I will affix my electronic signature to it.  It is my sincere hope that the site glitch is due to the sheer number of hopeful signers trying to login, and not some Government-backed scheme to silence the demand for answers.

I am faithful that anyone waiting to sign the petiton will hang in here with me.  As farmers, supporters and advocates of medical marijuana, we have been forced to learn patience and tenacity.


September 09, 2011

Howdy, Neighbor ?

Of great concern to me lately is how our new Maine neighbors are going to respond to the arrival of marijuana farmers in the 'hood.

We're a very social and outgoing family, and have always been well-received and well-liked by our neighbors wherever we've lived.  That was when we were seen as fine, upstanding citizens of the community, though.  I'm afraid of the negative perceptions and rampant stigma associated with marijuana use is going to negatively impact Ron and the kids.

I don't necessarily include myself in my worries, because I've always been a "live and let live" kinda gal, and really invest in the the "live" side of that coin -- I've never really worried about what others think, because the mirror-test is my bottom line; if I can look at a true and honest reflection in the mirror, then I'm OK.

Mostly, I worry that the kids will feel repercussions from uptight, close-minded types who want to label everyone else to make themselves feel superior.  The kids aren't so sure about this gig, as it is.

Ron and I want to legitimize the medicinal use of marijuana and fully intend to continue on as law-abiding, upstanding, respectable citizens -- which will serve to disprove the stereotypes and demonization of marijuana users.

It's an all-out grassroots effort.  I guess we'll start with the neighbors.

A poll is posted on the PotPhaRm blog that asks the question:  What would you do if pot farmers moved into your neighborhood?   I'm very interested (and invested) in the answers.

My first post!

I've just set up our new blog for our Potpharm site.  After wrangling with Word Press for two days, I figured it wasn't worth the aggravation and have found Blogger to be MUCH more user-friendly!

I'm excited to get the blog linked to the site and to begin the chronical of our big adventure!  So much has happened, already, that I'll have to do "Prequel Posts" about.

Phew.  Must remember to exhale in the midst of madness.